Digest of Masonic Law of Florida F. & A.M.
Particular Lodges
- Ch. 16: Name, Number, Consolidation, Merger
- Ch. 17: Particular Lodge Charters
- Ch. 18: Particular Lodge Jurisdiction
- Ch. 19: Particular Lodge Officers
- Ch. 20: Worshipful Master
- Ch. 21: Wardens
- Ch. 22: Treasurer and Secretary
- Ch. 23: Subordinate Lodge Officers
- Ch. 24: ByLaws (Uniform Code)
- Ch. 25: Communications and Business
- Ch. 26: Membership Rights, Status and Duties
- Ch. 27: Finances, Dues, Suspension NPD, Reinstatement
- Ch. 28: Lodge Property, Building, Lodge Room
- Ch. 29: Lodge Representatives to Grand Lodge
- Ch. 30: Lodge Reports and Returns to Grand Lodge
- Ch. 31: Candidates for the Degrees
- Ch. 32: Fees for Degrees and Refunds
- Ch. 33: Petitions for Degrees and Proceedings
- Ch. 34: Waiver of Jurisdiction
- Ch. 35: Balloting
- Ch. 36: Rejection of Candidates and Proceedings
- Ch. 37: Initiation and Advancement
- Ch. 38: Ritual and Ceremonies
- Ch. 39: Courtesy Work
- Ch. 40: Visitation and Avouchment
- Ch. 41: Dimits, Transfer Certificates, Affiliation