
Masonic Leadership Training

Grand Lodge of Florida Masonic Leadership Training

The Masonic Leadership Training Program now begins its thirteenth year. The program has been overwhelmingly embraced by the Craft. This started as a five year program, but in the last six years we have come a long way in mapping out its future goals. A curriculum outline has been created that provides guidelines for future training and development and is highly recommended to be followed in order not to short change any Brother in his Masonic Education. Several PowerPoint presentations have been created and made available to the leaders of this program with more in the pipeline. This Committee is extremely important to the future of our Fraternity. Please assist The Grand Lodge of Florida in leading our Brothers and Fraternity into the future.

When this material is properly presented, it could make the difference between a well operated Lodge with plans and goals and a misguided Lodge with no plans and goals. It can make a difference with Lodge Officers that are aware of their duties and responsibilities and those that fly by the seat of their pants from meeting to meeting. You can make a difference with Officers that will understand that empowering those behind him with knowledge, duty, and responsibility is the greatest legacy they can leave for their Lodge.

Master Mason Exams

Grand Lodge of Florida Masonic Education Master Mason Exams

Masonic Education is an ongoing process whereby all Masons, throughout the world, further their knowledge about the Craft. . It begins with education for candidates about the Three Symbolic Degrees, and it continues with instruction of Masonic history, tradition, philosophy, Masonic Law, Lodge administration, and procedures in the everyday management of the Lodges.

The Masonic Education committee encourages the Lodges to use the many forms of Masonic Education lessons and publications available to them. Encourage the Brothers to learn to use the Masonic Digest, attend Schools of Instruction, become more active in Lodge functions and bring in qualified candidates. Let us encourage the Lodges to use Masonic Education materials such as Masonic History, Masonic Philosophy and Masonic Etiquette in their monthly meetings. We should endeavor, in each of our Lodges, to work toward the Masonic Education Achievement Award. Every Florida Lodge should qualify for this award.

An excellent method to learn to use the Masonic Digest and Mentors Manual is to complete the three Master Mason Examinations, now offered Online on this website. These examinations have proven very popular as they produce more friendships, more knowledge of Florida Masonry, better informed Brothers and an increase in Lodge attendance. Get together some evening and try it, you’ll like it. These exams will be graded by the District Chairman of Masonic Education.

Lodge Officer Training

Grand Lodge of Florida Masonic Education Lodge Officer Training

As Freemasons, one should always remember, “AN EDUCATED MASON IS A DEDICATED Mason.” As we endeavor to educate more of our Brothers in Masonry, we will see that this is a true phrase. As they learn, they become more active and attendance increases and stronger bonds are developed between themselves. Even the most learned men learn something new each day. This keeps us interested and active. It will take work and dedication on our part, but the results will be very rewarding.

Why is the Master called ‘Worshipful Master’ of a Florida Lodge? The term worshipful also means knowledgeable. It refers to one who has educated himself in and about the Craft Freemasonry. As a Freemason in your Particular Lodge, would you like to be an officer, work your way around to become Master of the Lodge? If so, the Grand Lodge of Florida Masonic Education program has prepared for you an outstanding tool with which you may become very ‘knowledgeable.’ It is called the “Lodge Officers Training Course” and any Master Mason may take it. It consists of Modules 1, 2, and 3; each containing seven lessons. The lessons, of course, are open book type and are to be taken in a non-group environment by any Master Mason. The scoring for these exams will be graded by the Zone Chairman and all grades will be on file at the Grand Secretary’s office.

GL Books and Exams

Grand Lodge of Florida Masonic Education General Publications

Every candidate is a stranger to Freemasonry, and Freemasonry is a stranger to him. It is not merely a Lodge that he joins, but a great Fraternity – with over 45,900 members and more than 291 Lodges in his own state; 1.3 million members and more than 11,000 Lodges in this country; other thousands of Lodges and tens of thousands of members throughout the world. Countless methods have been devised for the education of newly-made Brethren and under favorable conditions they often proved successful; but in the majority of cases they have been marked by two internal, serious weaknesses: First, they have been sporadic, uncertain, and have left it to the candidate to seek their aid of their own free will, thereby bringing it about that those who most need instruction have not received it; Second, they have been conducted by volunteers or by some organization set up independently of the Lodge, and thereby lacked its stability and official sanction.

Florida Lodge of Research

Grand Lodge of Florida Florida Lodge of Research

The Florida Lodge of Research was established in December 1973 as a fully chartered subordinate lodge of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Florida. The Florida Lodge of Research is formed for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, conducting and fostering Masonic research and study for the purpose of spreading Masonic Light and knowledge.

Masonic Etiquette

Grand Lodge of Florida Masonic Etiquette

Masonic Etiquette belongs to the empire of good manners, that code by which gentlemen the world over govern their conduct; but this principle with us is found to apply in two directions. On the one hand it becomes a manifested respect for the Craft of Freemasonry as a whole; on the other hand it is a form of courtesy to each individual Brother.

Secretary and Treasurer Seminars

Grand Lodge of Florida Secretary / Treasurer Seminars

The Grand Secretary hosts a seminar for Lodge Secretaries and Treasurers to learn more about the duties and responsibilities that coincide with these Elected Lodge Offices. Learn about new Grand Lodge software, financial and reporting requirements, general operation of the Lodge, and specific duties to be performed by each Officer. All Master Masons welcome, RSVP is a must.

Secretary and Treasurer Seminars will be posted once scheduled. Check the Monthly Mail for notification of a scheduled seminar.

Monthly Mail

Mentor’s Manual

Grand Lodge of Florida Mentor's Manual

In the old operative Lodges of Scotland, the officer entrusted with the task of instructing the new apprentices bore the title of Intender. It was his duty to intend, increase and intensify the knowledge of the new Craftsman. The Mentor, in our present system, will seek to expand and intensify the Masonic instruction imparted by the ritual, adding to it many other points which will enlarge the new Brother’s understanding of Freemasonry.